Certified Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)

Gassing up Right: the Key to Serving Quality Craft Beer

Women drinking beer

Let’s talk about gas for a minute.

No, not that kind (this is a family blog). The kind that’s in the beer you’re serving in your restaurant or bar.

As you probably know, that gas is more than likely beverage-grade CO2 – and if it is, you’ve come to the right website, since we have more of the stuff than anyone in our service area. Our high quality bulk CO2 will give your tap beers the oomph they need to deliver that crisp finish your customers are looking for.

But for some craft brews – stouts, for example – oomph in the mouth is the last thing you want. The claim to fame of these fine concoctions is a lack of bitterness and a creamy, smooth mouth feel – and both are the result of the tiny bubbles (cue Don Ho) produced by carbonating with nitrogen rather than CO2.

Although Nitro beers have been around for decades (Guinness being the most widely known in the category), other breweries are increasingly getting into the game – and with more than just stout. These craft beers are the lifeblood of many of today’s most profitable Buffalo- and Rochester-area bars and nightspots – and they just might be a key feature offering for your establishment.

If they are, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered there, too.

Whether your customers are fans of CO2, Nitro or combination brews, Irish Carbonic will make sure you have the right gas – delivered the right way at the right time – for whatever fizzy adult beverages you serve. We’ll even keep your beer lines clean and running at the right pressure –two of the biggest keys to a perfect pour.

For comprehensive beverage grade CO2, plus expert beer line cleaning and much more for your bar, restaurant, or other beverage serving business, trust the pros at Irish Carbonic. Contact us today to learn more!

The Irish Family of Companies