Dry Ice for Camping: Ideas, Tips, and Safety



Planning a camping trip? Discover how dry ice can transform your experience!

Camping is all about enjoying the great outdoors, but keeping your food and drinks cold can be a challenge, especially on longer trips. That’s where dry ice comes in! Dry ice can be a game-changer for camping excursions, offering a longer-lasting cooling solution compared to regular ice. Here’s everything you need to know about using dry ice on your next camping adventure, from choosing the right type to handling it safely.

Why Use Dry Ice for Camping?

Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and is much colder than regular ice, sitting at -78.5 degrees Celsius (-109.3 degrees Fahrenheit). Unlike regular ice, which melts into water, dry ice sublimates—meaning it turns directly from a solid into gas, leaving no liquid mess behind. This makes it an excellent option for keeping your cooler dry and your food fresh for longer periods.

What Type of Dry Ice is Best for Camping?

For camping trips, dry ice is typically available in two forms: blocks and nuggets. Here’s how to choose the right one:

  • Blocks: Dry ice blocks are ideal for longer trips. They sublimate more slowly, providing a steady, long-lasting cooling effect. Place a block of dry ice at the bottom of your cooler, and it can keep your food frozen for several days.
  • Nuggets: Dry ice nuggets work faster but don’t last as long. They’re great for shorter trips or if you need to cool things down quickly. Pellets are also easier to distribute around your cooler for more even cooling.

Tips for Using Dry Ice on Camping Trips

  • Pre-Cool Your Cooler: Before adding dry ice, pre-cool your cooler with regular ice or by storing it in a cold place. This helps reduce the initial sublimation rate of the dry ice.
  • Pack Smart: Place the dry ice at the bottom of your cooler, and then layer your food and drinks on top. Keep items you need to access frequently on top to minimize opening the cooler and letting cold air escape.
  • Separate Food Types: If you’re using dry ice for both frozen and non-frozen items, consider using a partition in your cooler or separate coolers for frozen and fresh goods. Dry ice can freeze items quickly, so be mindful of what you’re storing.
  • Vent Your Cooler: Ensure your cooler has a vent to allow carbon dioxide gas to escape. Some coolers come with a pressure-release valve, or you can simply crack the lid slightly. This prevents gas buildup and keeps the cooler from becoming airtight.

Safety Tips for Handling Dry Ice

  • Wear Protective Gear: Always handle dry ice with gloves or a cloth. Its extreme cold can cause frostbite if it touches your skin directly.
  • Use in Well-Ventilated Areas: Dry ice sublimates into carbon dioxide gas, which can displace oxygen in enclosed spaces. Always store and use dry ice in well-ventilated areas, and never use it inside your tent or car.
  • Keep Out of Reach: Dry ice can be dangerous if mishandled. Keep it out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental contact.
  • Disposal: At the end of your trip, let any remaining dry ice sublimate in a well-ventilated area. Never dispose of dry ice in a sealed container or down a drain, as it can cause damage or pressure buildup.


Dry ice is an excellent tool for keeping your food and drinks cold on camping trips, especially when you need long-lasting cooling power. By choosing the right type of dry ice and following these tips and safety precautions, you can enjoy a hassle-free, chilled camping experience. Whether you’re on a weekend getaway or an extended adventure, dry ice can help make your outdoor meals just as enjoyable as the stunning views!


Irish Carbonic Has Dry Ice

Dry ice is relatively inexpensive and easy to purchase. It’s also very user-friendly, provided you handle it properly. And when it’s time to purchase your dry ice, trust Irish Carbonic as your dry ice dealer in Central and Western New York.

You may not know how much you need. Don’t worry. The pros at Irish Carbonic will help you calculate exactly how much dry ice you’ll need for your project and give you tips on how to make it last for as long as possible.

Get the dry ice you need just the way you need it from Irish Carbonic. We’ll deliver your order when and where you want it or make it available for pick-up in Central or Western New York.

Contact Irish Carbonic today to learn more or to place your order for dry ice!



Discover the similarities between cosmic conditions and the properties of dry ice

Dry ice is an extraordinary substance with a wide range of uses, from food preservation to special effects. One of its lesser-known but incredibly fascinating applications is in simulating the conditions of outer space. This might sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but it’s a real and valuable technique used in scientific research. Let’s dive into how dry ice is used to mimic the harsh environment of space and what kind of research benefits from this cool method.

Common Conditions: Dry Ice and Outer Space

Outer space is an extreme environment characterized by very low temperatures and vacuum conditions. Dry ice, with its extremely cold temperature of -78.5 degrees Celsius (-109.3 degrees Fahrenheit), shares this frigid quality. Additionally, since dry ice sublimates (turns directly from a solid to a gas), it can help create low-pressure conditions similar to the vacuum of space. These similarities make dry ice an ideal tool for recreating space-like environments here on Earth.

How is This Achieved?

Simulating outer space conditions using dry ice involves creating a controlled environment where researchers can regulate temperature and pressure. Here’s a general outline of the process:

  • Temperature Control: Dry ice provides the extreme cold needed to replicate space temperatures. Researchers place the dry ice in an insulated chamber to maintain these low temperatures over extended periods.
  • Vacuum Conditions: To simulate the vacuum of space, the chamber is equipped with vacuum pumps that remove air, reducing the pressure to levels found in outer space. The sublimation of dry ice aids in maintaining these low-pressure conditions.
  • Environmental Testing: Objects or materials to be tested are placed inside this chamber. By adjusting the amount of dry ice and the vacuum levels, scientists can closely mimic the environment of space.

Research Applications

Simulating outer space conditions using dry ice is crucial for a variety of research areas:

  • Material Testing: Scientists test the durability and performance of materials used in spacecraft and satellites. By exposing these materials to extreme cold and vacuum, researchers can identify potential weaknesses and improve their designs.
  • Biological Studies: Researchers study the effects of space-like conditions on biological samples, such as microbes and plant seeds. This helps understand how life might survive or adapt to space travel and long-term space habitation.
  • Astrophysics and Astronomy: Experiments simulating space conditions help researchers study cosmic phenomena, such as the formation of ice on comets and the behavior of interstellar dust.

Notable Studies

Several notable studies have utilized dry ice to simulate space conditions:

  • Mars Simulation: NASA scientists have used dry ice to simulate the surface conditions of Mars. By replicating the cold and low-pressure environment, they can test how equipment and materials might behave on the Martian surface.
  • Astrobiology Research: Researchers have used dry ice chambers to study extremophiles, microorganisms that thrive in extreme conditions. These studies help astrobiologists understand the potential for life to exist on other planets.


Dry ice is not just for spooky effects and keeping things cool. Its ability to replicate the extreme conditions of outer space makes it an invaluable tool in scientific research. From testing materials for space missions to studying the potential for life beyond Earth, dry ice helps scientists explore the final frontier right here on our planet. So, the next time you see a fog machine at a concert, remember that the same substance creating that mist is also helping us reach for the stars!


Irish Carbonic Has Dry Ice

Dry ice is relatively inexpensive and easy to purchase. It’s also very user-friendly, provided you handle it properly. And when it’s time to purchase your dry ice, trust Irish Carbonic as your dry ice dealer in Central and Western New York.

You may not know how much you need. Don’t worry. The pros at Irish Carbonic will help you calculate exactly how much dry ice you’ll need for your project and give you tips on how to make it last for as long as possible.

Get the dry ice you need just the way you need it from Irish Carbonic. We’ll deliver your order when and where you want it or make it available for pick-up in Central or Western New York.

Contact Irish Carbonic today to learn more or to place your order for dry ice!



Explore the chemical composition and manufacturing process of dry ice.

Have you ever seen that cool fog effect at Halloween parties or in movies? That spooky mist often comes from dry ice! But what exactly is dry ice, and how is it made? Let’s dive into the chilly world of dry ice and uncover its secrets.

What is Dry Ice?

Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO₂). Unlike regular ice, which is frozen water, dry ice skips the liquid phase entirely. It goes directly from solid to gas in a process called sublimation. This is why you never see a puddle of water around dry ice as it “melts!”

How is Dry Ice Made?

The journey of dry ice begins with carbon dioxide gas, which is collected as a byproduct from various industrial processes like ammonia production and fermentation. This gas is then pressurized and cooled until it becomes a liquid. When the pressure is suddenly released, the liquid CO₂ expands and cools rapidly, forming solid CO₂, or dry ice. This solid CO₂ is then compressed into pellets, blocks, or slices, ready for use.

What’s the Chemical Composition?

Dry ice is pure carbon dioxide (CO₂). In its solid state, it’s extremely cold, at a chilling -78.5 degrees Celsius (-109.3 degrees Fahrenheit). Handling it without proper protection, like gloves, can cause frostbite. The low temperature is what makes dry ice perfect for preserving food, creating fog effects, and even for some industrial cleaning processes.

Is Dry Ice Eco-Friendly?

Now, you might be wondering, “Is dry ice good for the environment?” The answer is a bit nuanced. On one hand, dry ice itself doesn’t contribute to greenhouse gas emissions when used because it’s just carbon dioxide transitioning from solid to gas. However, the production of dry ice depends on the availability of CO₂ from industrial processes, which can involve the burning of fossil fuels—a significant source of greenhouse gases.

When dry ice sublimates, it returns to its gas form and mixes back into the atmosphere. Since it’s a byproduct that’s being reused, this recycling aspect can be seen as eco-friendly. But it’s crucial to consider the overall carbon footprint of the industries providing the CO₂.


Irish Carbonic Has Dry Ice

Dry ice is relatively inexpensive and easy to purchase. It’s also very user-friendly, provided you handle it properly. And when it’s time to purchase your dry ice, trust Irish Carbonic as your dry ice dealer in Central and Western New York.

You may not know how much you need. Don’t worry. The pros at Irish Carbonic will help you calculate exactly how much dry ice you’ll need for your project and give you tips on how to make it last for as long as possible.

Get the dry ice you need just the way you need it from Irish Carbonic. We’ll deliver your order when and where you want it or make it available for pick-up in Central or Western New York.

Contact Irish Carbonic today to learn more or to place your order for dry ice!

Discover this effective method of eliminating critters

dry ice rochester, ny Dry ice isn’t just a novelty item for film sets or spooky Halloween displays. And it’s not just for science class either. There are lots of fun and practical ways to use dry ice. For example, dry ice is a popular and effective method for pest control. It is a frozen form of carbon dioxide that can be used to suffocate pests like rats and insects. The use of dry ice for pest control has become increasingly popular in recent years, and many cities have started using it as an alternative to traditional pest control methods.

One of the most significant advantages of using dry ice for pest control is that it is a more humane method than traditional methods like poison. When dry ice is placed in a rat burrow, it melts and releases carbon dioxide, which suffocates the rats within minutes. This method is also effective for dealing with insects. Dry ice can be used to produce carbon dioxide gas, which attracts and traps insects.

Because of its ease of use and humaneness, dry ice for pest control continues to grow in popularity.

If you are considering using dry ice for pest control on your Rochester, NY property, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Foremost is safety. It is important to handle dry ice with care and take the proper safety measure, such as wearing protective clothing and gloves. Let’s take a closer look at dry ice safety.

Handling Dry Ice Safely

Although dry ice is relatively user-friendly, it does need to be handled with care to avoid injury. First and foremost, keep dry ice away from unsupervised children.

Here are a few safety reminders for using dry ice:

  • Children: Never leave children unattended near dry ice.
  • Ventilation: Always use dry ice in a space that’s well-ventilated.
  • Handling: Never touch dry ice with your bare skin. Instead, wear cloth or leather gloves when handling dry ice. Oven mitts and towels can also be used.
  • Storage: Use an insulated container to store your dry ice. The thicker the container, the longer your dry ice will last. However, never store dry ice in an airtight container. The sublimation (going from solid to gas) of the dry ice could cause the container to expand or even explode. Also be sure to store dry ice in a well-ventilated area.
  • Disposal: Don’t throw dry ice down the garbage disposal, sewer, or garbage chute. Leave it in a well-ventilated area and it will sublimate (change from solid to gas) until it’s completely gone.

Irish Carbonic Has Dry Ice

Dry ice is relatively inexpensive and easy to purchase. It’s also very user-friendly, provided you handle it properly. And when it’s time to purchase your dry ice, trust Irish Carbonic as your dry ice dealer in Central and Western New York.

You may not know how much you need. Don’t worry. The pros at Irish Carbonic will help you calculate exactly how much dry ice you’ll need for your project and give you tips on how to make it last for as long as possible.

Get the dry ice you need just the way you need it from Irish Carbonic. We’ll deliver your order when and where you want it or make it available for pick-up in Central or Western New York.

Contact Irish Carbonic today to learn more or to place your order for dry ice!

Discover What Bulk CO2 Delivery Can Do For Your Business

co2 delivery batavia, ny Irish Carbonic offers a variety of carbon dioxide (CO2) products and services for your Central or Western, New York business, including:

  • Bulk beverage-grade CO2 for your restaurant and bar taps
  • Reliable industrial delivery of CO2
  • CO2 tanks
  • CO2 tank refills
  • Expert technicians
  • Planning services to get and keep your restaurant up and running

A bulk CO2 system is an easy and cost-effective way to avoid repeatedly changing cylinder tanks for fountain soda and draft beer. Instead, you have a continuous and reliable source of CO2.

Why Choose Bulk CO2?

Here are five reasons to choose bulk CO2 over CO2 tank refills:

  1. Perfect carbonation every time: Because CO2 is constantly running through a bulk CO2 system, you will always get the right amount of carbonation in your drink.
  2. Easier deliveries and less downtime: With a bulk CO2 system, you will never have to change out cylinders. That saves you time, money, and effort. Cylinder swaps require you to shut down and depressurize your entire system. Alternatively, with a bulk CO2 system, we fill your bulk tank from the outside of the building. There’s no need to interrupt you during business hours.
  3. Savings: By buying your carbon dioxide in bulk, the cost per unit of CO2 is decreased. You’ll also avoid wasting any residual CO2 that’s left at the bottom of returned cylinders.
  4. Automatic delivery and 24/7 service: With bulk CO2 delivery, you can say goodbye to scheduling carbon dioxide deliveries and looking at tank levels. All your deliveries are made automatically based on the schedule that works best for you. Plus, if you have a problem with your system that needs to be handled during the off hours, we can help you there, too. We offer 24/7 emergency service.
  5. Less waste: With bulk CO2 delivery, you’ll not only eliminate product waste by having a system that operates more efficiently, but you’ll also keep hundreds of CO2 cylinders out of the landfill. That’s something you can feel really good about.

Irish Carbonic, Your Bulk CO2 Source

Let Irish Carbonic make things simple for you. Your restaurant needs bulk CO2, and we are a reliable supplier in Central and Western New York and Ohio. In addition to being dependable, Irish Carbonic is flexible enough to adapt to your restaurant’s changing circumstances and needs. We provide cost-saving, top quality products, and technical services 24-hours a day every day. You can always count on us.

If you run a restaurant, you need a bulk CO2 supplier that’s available day and night. Look no further than Irish Carbonic. We work around the clock to keep our customers up and running.

Don’t accept anything but the best for your Batavia, New York or nearby business. Let the experts at Irish Carbonic help you keep your customers satisfied. We deliver top quality, beverage-grade carbon dioxide. You’ll have the best drinks in the neighborhood and lots of happy customers. In addition to bulk CO2 products and services, Irish Carbonic also provides state-of-the-art liquor management systems; soda, juice, and frozen beverage products; and helium tank rentals. Your restaurant is in good hands at Irish Carbonic.

The professionals at Irish Carbonic provide our New York (in and around Buffalo and Rochester) and Ohio (in and around Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Dayton) customers with the bulk CO2 they need to keep their restaurants running like clockwork. And our expertise is unparalleled. Irish Carbonic is proudly a certified women-owned business enterprise, and we want to work for you.

Contact Irish Carbonic today to learn more about our bulk CO2 products and services in Central and Western New York. We will give you a free, no obligation estimate on reliable CO2 delivery and services.

Get The Party Started!

helium tank rental rochester, ny Balloons are a festive and easy way to add pizzaz to any event. And you can really make those balloons soar with helium! Irish Carbonic provides economical helium tank rentals as well as everything else you need to get your party off the ground in Rochester, New York. It’s all easy to do, and Irish Carbonic is here to help.

Helium Tank Instructions

For the best results, inflate balloons one to two hours before your event. Please note that altitude, temperature, and humidity will all affect the performance of your balloons. On average, latex balloons will float for five to seven hours and foil balloons will float for two to three days.

Here are step-by-step instructions for using a helium tank:

  1. To open, rotate the valve by turning it counterclockwise until it stops (about four full turns).
  2. Slide the balloon onto the nozzle and firmly hold it in place.
  3. Press the nozzle down slightly to fill the balloon.
  4. Remove the balloon and tie it off.
  5. Once done, close the valve tightly by turning it clockwise.
  6. Always store the tank in a dry, cool place.

Helium Balloon Uses

Helium balloons are versatile decorations. Here are some things you can do when you rent your own helium tank:

  • You can make the event even more special. Balloons are a fun and festive addition to any celebration. Use them as decoration for a birthday party, graduation celebration, wedding, anniversary party, baby shower, school dance, reunion, church gathering, corporate event, grand opening, and more.
  • You can reinforce a theme. Balloons offer an easy way to support any theme, whether it’s a throwback to a bygone decade, inspired by Hollywood, or honoring a sports team. Or maybe it’s just the guest of honor’s favorite color. There are so many options!
  • You can keep it simple. There’s nothing complicated about balloons. And the helium tanks Irish Carbonic rents out are easy to operate and transport. You can choose from a variety of sizes as well, so you can have just what you need. And we also offer the balloon filler piece.
  • You can save money. Sure, you could buy prefilled balloons, but filling them yourself is a great way to cut down on costs. And if you have a regular need for balloons, you can invest in your own refillable helium tank. Irish Carbonic can help you with that too.
  • You can stay safe. Helium is a non-toxic and nonexplosive gas. It’s inert. So, when it comes to handling helium, there’s very little to worry about. Just follow the simple instructions for your tank, and you’ll be safe. Additionally, all of our tanks have protective caps.

What Size Helium Tank Do You Need?

How big a tank you’ll need will depend on how many balloons you’re planning to fill. Here’s a helpful guide showing which size tank may be best for your needs:

Tank Size Number of Balloons (11″)
60 cu. ft. 100
135 cu. ft. 240
200 cu. ft. 426
291 cu. ft. 570

So if you’re ready to make your next party a grand affair, just add balloons. And let Irish Carbonic supply the helium tanks and everything else you need to get things off the ground. We supply helium tanks for personal and professional use to clients in and around Central New York and Western New York.

Contact Irish Carbonic today to learn more about helium tank rentals and the other services we offer!

Soda & Juices from Irish Carbonic

beverage syrups rochester, ny Do you have an establishment that serves beverages like soda and juice? If you do, Irish Carbonic has you covered. Irish Carbonic offers a complete line of beverage syrup and juice options. What are beverage syrups used for? The beverage syrups are used to make the sodas your customers know and love.

You can trust your beverage needs to Irish Carbonic, and we’ll put our expertise to work for you. We know a thing or two about beverage dispensing systems. We even helped pioneer the use of bag-in-box juice and dual-use bar guns for dispensing juice and soda pop in Central and Western New York!

Whatever your beverage system needs, Irish Carbonic has it. Irish Carbonic sells, maintains, leases, and rents complete beverage dispensing systems in a variety of sizes. So you’ll get the precise equipment and expert technical support you need to deliver the beverages your customers ask for.

As the owner of a restaurant or bar, you want to make sure your customers have the best dining experience, and beverages play a large role in that. If you come to Irish Carbonic, you’ll get quality products and service so you can offer your customers the best beverage experience.

Want to learn more about the different bulk beverage products Irish Carbonic offers our Buffalo, New York customers? Keep reading.

Bulk Beverage Products

Irish Carbonic offers an extensive range of bulk beverage products so you’ll be able to give your customers the beverage options they ask for most. Here are some of the bulk beverage products Irish Carbonic can provide for your bar or restaurant to keep the fountains flowing:

  • Soda: Irish Carbonic features the full selection of Straight Up Beverages’ line of syrups and fountain mixers made locally in Western New York. We offer classic soda flavors, sweet and unsweetened teas, lemonades, specialty flavors, and simple mixers.
  • Juice: Irish Carbonic offers 100% juice, juice blends, and juice drink products. These are available in bag-in-box, ultra-pack cartridges, and bottles. We offer a full range of juice brands and a wide variety of juice flavors.

Straight Up Soda

Irish Carbonic is now offering our exclusive Straight Up soda products to local businesses including restaurants, bars, event centers, ice cream parlors, and more. You’ll find our soda products are of the highest quality. Every single soda we make includes only the best ingredients and sticks to a precise recipe.

It will only take one sip for you and your customers to recognize that our sodas are the best. And they’re made right here in Buffalo.

We offer the following flavors:

  • Cola
  • Diet Cola
  • Ginger Ale
  • Lemon Iced Tea
  • Lemon Sour Mix
  • Lemon-Lime
  • Lemonade
  • Loganberry
  • Orange
  • Pink Lemonade
  • Raspberry Iced Tea
  • Root Beer
  • Tonic
  • Unsweetened Iced Tea

Every one of our sodas is made according to our old-fashioned Buffalo values: excellence in everything we do with no cutting corners. Get outstanding sodas made by a Buffalo business for your Buffalo-area business!

Trust Irish

Irish Carbonic provides expert installation and maintenance on the dispensing equipment needed for each of the bulk beverage products we sell! So when it comes to beverages, make Irish Carbonic your one stop shop in Western New York.

Irish Carbonic serves bars, pubs, and restaurants in and around Buffalo, New York and Rochester, New York.

Contact Irish Carbonic today to learn more about how we can support your business with our wide array of beverage products and services!

rochester, ny teamIn a world constantly evolving, choosing the right career path can be a daunting task. As individuals seek professions that not only offer stability but also personal satisfaction, the propane industry emerges as an exciting and rewarding option. Among the various players in this field, Irish Propane stands out, providing a unique blend of opportunities and benefits that make it a compelling choice for those considering a career change.

Stability in an Essential Industry

The propane industry is a vital part of the energy sector, providing a clean and efficient alternative to traditional fuels. Irish Propane, with its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, positions itself at the forefront of this industry. The demand for propane remains steady, ensuring job security and stability for employees in a crucial sector that plays a pivotal role in powering homes and businesses.

Diverse Career Opportunities

Irish Propane offers a diverse range of career paths, catering to individuals with various skills and interests. Whether you are inclined towards logistics, customer service, sales, or technical roles, the company provides a multitude of options for professional growth. From delivery drivers ensuring timely propane supply to technicians maintaining equipment, there’s a role for everyone to contribute to the seamless functioning of the propane supply chain.

Commitment to Employee Development

Irish Propane recognizes the importance of investing in its workforce. The company actively promotes continuous learning and development, offering training programs and educational opportunities to enhance employees’ skills. By fostering a culture of growth, Irish Propane not only ensures the proficiency of its workforce but also encourages career advancement within the organization.

Community-Centric Values

One of the distinguishing factors of Irish Propane is its strong commitment to community involvement. Beyond providing an essential service, the company actively engages in community outreach and philanthropy. Employees have the opportunity to participate in initiatives that make a positive impact on local communities, fostering a sense of pride and purpose in their work.

Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Recognizing the contributions of its employees, Irish Propane offers competitive compensation packages and comprehensive benefits. This includes health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks that contribute to a fulfilling work-life balance. The company values its workforce.

If you’re looking for a fantastic career opportunity in or around the Rochester or Buffalo areas of New York, take a look at what Irish Propane has to offer. Contact us today and start your career tomorrow.

Discover the possibilities for your business

bar co2 service rochester, ny A bulk carbon dioxide (CO2) system is a hassle-free and affordable way to avoid repeatedly changing cylinder tanks for fountain soda and draft beer. Instead, you have a continuous and reliable source of CO2.

Why Bulk Co2?

Here are five reasons to choose bulk CO2 over CO2 tank refills:

  1. Perfect carbonation every time: Because CO2 is constantly running through a bulk system, you will always get the right amount of carbonation in your drink.
  2. Easier deliveries and less downtime: With a bulk CO2 system, you will never have to change out cylinders. That saves you time, money, and effort. Cylinder swaps require you to shut down and depressurize your entire system. Alternatively, with a bulk CO2 system, we fill your bulk tank from the outside of the building. There’s no need to interrupt you during business hours.
  3. Savings: By buying your carbon dioxide in bulk, the cost per unit of CO2 is decreased. You’ll also avoid wasting any residual CO2 that’s left at the bottom of returned cylinders.
  4. Automatic delivery and 24/7 service: With bulk CO2 delivery, you can say goodbye to scheduling carbon dioxide deliveries and looking at tank levels. All your deliveries are made automatically based on the schedule that works best for you. Plus, if you have a problem with your system that needs to be handled in the off hours, we can help you there, too. We offer 24/7 emergency service.
  5. Less waste: With bulk CO2 delivery, you’ll not only eliminate product waste by having a system that operates more efficiently, but you’ll also keep hundreds of CO2 cylinders out of the landfill. That’s something you can feel really good about.

Irish Carbonic, Your Bulk CO2 Source

It’s challenging enough running a restaurant or bar. Let Irish Carbonic make one thing simple for you. Your restaurant needs carbon dioxide (CO2), and we are a reliable supplier in New York and Ohio. In addition to being dependable, Irish Carbonic is flexible enough to adapt to your restaurant’s changing circumstances and needs. We provide cost-saving, top quality products, and technical services 24-hours a day every day. You can always count on us.

If you run a restaurant, you need a bulk carbon dioxide supplier that’s available day and night. Look no further than Irish Carbonic. We work around the clock to keep our customers up and running. Irish Carbonic offers a variety of CO2 products and services, including:

  • Bulk beverage-grade CO2 for your restaurant and bar taps
  • Reliable industrial delivery of CO2
  • CO2 tank refills
  • Expert technicians
  • Planning services to get and keep your restaurant up and running

Don’t accept anything but the best. Let the experts at Irish Carbonic help you keep your customers satisfied. We deliver top quality, beverage-grade carbon dioxide. You’ll have the best drinks in the neighborhood and lots of happy customers. In addition to bulk carbon dioxide products and services, Irish Carbonic also provides state-of-the-art liquor management systems; soda, juice, and frozen beverage products; and helium tank rentals. Your restaurant is in good hands at Irish Carbonic.

The professionals at Irish Carbonic provide our New York (in and around Buffalo and Rochester) and Ohio (in and around Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Dayton) customers with the bulk CO2 they need to keep their restaurants running like clockwork. And our expertise is unparalleled. Irish Carbonic is proudly a certified women-owned business enterprise, and we want to work for you.

Contact Irish Carbonic today to learn more about our bulk carbon dioxide products and services for restaurants. We will give you a free, no obligation estimate on reliable CO2 delivery and services for your restaurant.

In the intricate tapestry of business, few companies manage to intertwine complexity and synergy as seamlessly as the triumvirate of Irish Carbonic, Irish Propane, and Straight Up Beverages. While each entity stands on its own as a powerhouse in its respective field, the beauty lies in the intricate dance of collaboration and complementarity that weaves these businesses into a unified, yet diverse, whole.

1. Industrial Gas Solutions and Beverage Innovation

Irish Carbonic, renowned for its precision in providing dry ice, bulk carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases, finds its counterpart in Straight Up Beverages. As the former delivers the gases essential for carbonation and packaging, the latter harnesses these elements to create effervescent beverages that captivate consumers. This synergistic relationship exemplifies how two seemingly distinct entities can interconnect to amplify each other’s strengths.

2. Versatility Across Industries

Irish Propane enters the equation, adding another layer of complexity and versatility. While Irish Carbonic and Straight Up Beverages create a symbiotic relationship in the beverage sector, Irish Propane extends its reach across residential, commercial, and industrial realms. The diverse portfolio of Irish Carbonic complements the precision of Irish Propane and the innovation of Straight Up Beverages, creating a comprehensive energy and beverage solution provider.

3. Shared Commitment to Sustainability

While each entity operates in different sectors, there’s a shared commitment to sustainability that unites Irish Carbonic, Irish Propane, and Straight Up Beverages. Irish Carbonic’s emphasis on efficient dry ice and gas solutions, Irish Propane’s clean energy initiatives, and Straight Up Beverages’ commitment to eco-friendly packaging collectively contribute to a holistic approach to environmental responsibility. This shared ethos not only aligns the companies but also enhances their collective impact on sustainability.

4. Customer-Centric Approach

The complexity of this alliance is not merely a product of overlapping services but is intricately woven into a customer-centric approach. Whether it’s providing bulk gas solutions, crafting beverages, or ensuring reliable propane services, the companies collectively prioritize customer satisfaction. The ability to offer integrated solutions to clients, addressing both their energy and beverage needs, underscores the customer-centric synergy that defines this complex alliance.

5. Technological Integration and Innovation

A common thread running through Irish Carbonic, Irish Propane, and Straight Up Beverages is a commitment to technological integration and innovation. From cutting-edge gas solutions to advanced propane systems and innovative beverage formulations, the companies collectively push the boundaries of technology in their respective fields. This shared commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements further reinforces the harmonious complexity of this business alliance.


The alliance of Irish Carbonic, Irish Propane, and Straight Up Beverages represents a sophisticated and harmonious complexity that goes beyond mere coexistence. It’s a testament to how businesses with distinct focuses can come together, leveraging their unique strengths to create a holistic and customer-centric approach. As these entities continue to intertwine their services and innovations, the result is a symphony of complexity where each note enhances the overall harmony of the trio.

The Irish Family of Companies